Sejam bem vindos ao site da Guild Oniwabanshuu - Silkroad Online - Saturn

-->Como todos sabem, nossa guild é feita de amigos, portanto peço RESPEITO A TODOS OS MEMBROS, problemas entre os membros serão resolvidos conversando, como pessoas civilizadas, sem xingamentos, palavras de baixo escalão. Brincadeiras, óbvio, são mais do que permitidas ^_^, mas cuidado para não exagerar e serem mal entendidos. Mas como somos todos da mesma família, Oniwabanshuu, respeito, amizade, carinho e atenção não faltarão.

Priscila [Crash_Nebula]

quarta-feira, 30 de março de 2011

Spawns Uniques


domingo, 27 de março de 2011

Novas quests e regiões do legend VII

Templo de Júpiter: Primeiro Quests / regioes Novas
JoyMax lançou agora as informações sobre o Templo de Júpiter (120 cápsulas) quests em coreano. JoyMax Ágora lançou como Informações Sobre o Templo de Júpiter (120 Cápsulas) quests coreano em. Eu escolhi algumas das quests e traduzido para Inglês para um preview. Eu Escolhi ALGUMAS das quests e TRADUZIDO parágrafo Inglês previsão hum par.

quests principais (existem 31 missões principais no total) principais missões (existem 31 Missões principais não total)

Missão Missão
Mate Leão Templo 200, 300 Young Lions Templo Templo Mate Leão, 200, 300 Templo Young Lions
Recompensas Recompensas
238205337 EXP / EXP Skill 7321 GOLD / 238205337 441000 EXP EXP Skill / 7321 GOLD / 441 mil
Tipo Tipo
Pode ser feito uma vez por semana PoDE serviços Feito UMA Vez Por Semana
Investigador Avril / falta de Avril equipe Investigador Avril Avril Equipa estabele Faltando
Templo do Leão, a Young Lion Templo Templo do Leão, Leão Jovem Templo

Missão Missão
Coletar sementes 1 Yuno de vida Coletar Sementes 1 Yuno de Vida
Recompensas Recompensas
1197791957 EXP / EXP Skill 7321 / 448500 1197791957 GOLD EXP EXP Skill / OURO 7321 / 448500
Tipo Tipo
Pode ser feito uma vez por semana PoDE serviços Feito UMA Vez Por Semana
soldado desaparecido Kish Kish Faltando soldado
Yuno Yuno

Sub procura (existem 57 sub-quests no total) procuração Sub (existem 57 sub-quests não total)

Missão Missão
Coletar um bolso Gottfried hum Coletar bolso de Gottfried
Recompensas Recompensas
170986515 EXP / EXP Skill 5226 / 170986515 358800 GOLD EXP EXP Skill / OURO 5226 / 358800
Tipo Tipo
Pode ser feito uma vez por semana PoDE serviços Feito UMA Vez Por Semana
soldado desaparecido Gottfried Faltando soldado Gottfried
guarda Guarda Imortal Imortal

No total, 127.542.020.579 EXP é necessária a partir do Nível 111 com 0% a 120 com 99,99%. Não total, 127.542.020.579 EXP necessaria e uma vez que tenha Nível com 111 0% a 120 com 99,99%. Então você tem que fazer um monte de quests essas semanas para a semana: P entao VOCÊ TEM UM Que fazer monte de quests essas Semanas n º Semana

---------- ----------

JoyMax também incluiu dois nomes nova região: incluiu also JoyMax Dois nomos nova Região:
GM sala sala de GM
A sala onde os GMs podem descansar A sala Onde OS GMs podem descansar

Prisão Prisão
pessoas culpadas vêm aqui.

fonte silkroadsecrets

As cidades do silkroad existem de verdade

Servidor de teste Privado: O que você faria com 99.999 silks?

Q: Qual servidor é isso?
A: This is a private testing server for GMs only. R: Esse é um servidor de teste privado para GMs só.

Q: How many people can play there? Q: Quantas pessoas podem jogar lá?
A: We don't know how many accounts exist. R: Não sabemos quantas contas existem. We only have access to 3 accounts at the moment. Nós só temos acesso a 3 contas no momento.

Q: Where can I download the client? Q: Onde eu posso baixar o cliente?
A: You can't. R: Você não pode. You would need a specially modified pk2 which we won't release. Você precisaria de um pk2 modificado especialmente, que nós não iremos divulgar. So, you will not be able to play on this server. Assim, você não será capaz de jogar em nosso servidor.

Q: Are your characters on this server GMs? Q: Seus personagens são os GMs sobre este servidor?
A: Maybe these accounts have the GM flag enabled, but since GMs are also IP-bound and not just account-bound we can not use the GM functions. R: Talvez essas contas têm a bandeira GM habilitada, mas desde que GMs também são IP ligado, e não apenas por conta vinculada, não podemos usar as funções de GM.


sábado, 26 de março de 2011

Quest zerk lvl 95 e 100

Quest 1 - Military Test 1
Vah pra constantinopla e fale com Rachal (perto do estabulo de lah). Pegue a quest e fale denovo com Rachel. Ele vai te teleportar pra um canto onde vai ter um monte de mob pra bater em vc. Nao os mate (o HP deles eh gigante), basta apenas sobreviver por 10min. Os hits variam de 1-5k, por isso, eh bom ficar de cleric quem eh full int ou levar muita vigor.

Quest 2 - Material for medicine
Fale denovo com Rachel e depois vah falar com a SunsetWitch (Witch's Lighthouse, porta norte const).

Quest 3 - Stone Beast's Bell
Fale denovo com a SunsetWitch, pegue a quest. Vah ateh as caves de Jangan(vc pode usar teleporte). Vc tem que pegar um item de quest nuns mobs chamados Tomb Ghost(uns leoezinhos lvl 86) no B2. As salas onde vcs podem encontrar eh do militar champ 7 pra cima. Conselho: chegue na militar champ 2, pegue o teleporte Norte(qq um dos dois), vc jah vai cair numa sala de cara pra um leao desses. Basta matar um, a quest jah cai do primeiro.
Entregue o sino pra um npc de Jangan chamado Jeonghye . Vcs podem encontra-lo se forem no sentido da porta E(a que vai pras caves) e entrem a eskerda, um pouco antes da porta vc vai ter um laginho. Passe ele que o npc fica dentro de um templo budista.

Quest 4 - Spirit's Shell
Fale com o mesmo npc Jeonghye, ele vai te dar um outro sininho. Vcs tem que ir pra um lugar de Jangan onde tem escrito TOMB (lah embaixo a direita do mapa). Use o item exatamente nesse ponto X: 7175 Y: 309. Vai aparecer um champion lvl 95. Vasta vc mata-lo e pegar o item que cair. Volte pro NPC Jeonghye.

Quest 5 - Witch's Scroll
Volte pra bruxa em constantinopla e fale com ela. Depois vah falar com o carinha do hunter association de constantinopla, Adrian.

Quest 6 - The Spirit (a mais chata de todas)
O Adrian vai te dar 100 armadilhas pra vc capturar Niya Generals(lvl 80). Detalhe, vc n pode usar teleport nessa quest, daih vc tem que ir de constantinopla ateh taklamakan a peh, ida e volta.
Chegando lah, usa as armadilhas e lure um general pra cima delas. Algumas vao falhar, outras vao te dar Flutter Spirit (amarelo), mas o que vc tem que ter pra poder voltar eh um normal spirit (Azul). Uma vez com ele, volte a peh pra const e entregue pro carinha da hunter association. Usei 9 armadilhas pra depois conseguir o azulzinho, tive sorte.
Essa eh a quest mais chata, pq alem de vc n poder usar teleport, vc tem que esperar 1min entre uma armadilha e outra.
Prestem atençao nessa parte, nao voltem se nao tiverem o spirit AZUL.

Quest 7 - Piece of Spirit
Fale denovo com a bruxinha. Ela vai te teleportar pra um lugar e vai sumonar um mob lvl 95 pra vc matar. Ele eh fraquinho, mas vah com pill pq ele congela. MATE ELE USANDO ZERKER OU A QUEST VAI FALHAR.

Quest 8 - New Power
Fale denovo com a bruxinha. E depois vah pra const falar com Rachel denovo.
Pronto, finalmente vc tem seu zerker azul e o label de Knight.


QUEST LVL 100 zerk

1 - Army Test 2/Military Test 2 Fale  com o General Sonhyeon/Rachel e você será levado
para um área. Mate o Captain of army ou sobreviva por 
10 minutos dentro da área. (vc pode levar o cachorro pra apanhar por vc para sobreviver ^^) 

2 - New Challenge Após terminar, fale de novo com o General 
Sonhyeon/Rachel e em seguida com o NPC Miaoryeong the Exorcist 
(encontrada na Exorcist's Home [vê mapa fora da cidade de Jangan] para 
chineses) ou NPC Witch (encontrada na Witch's Lighthouse [vê mapa fora 
de Constantinople] para europeus). Conversando com ela, se dirija a Roc Mountain e mate alguns Shaur ou Goat afim de dropar o item Branch of Life. Pegando este item, vá para o NPC Miaoryeong the Exorcist 
(encontrada na Exorcist's Home [vê mapa fora da cidade de Jangan], próximo a esse NPC ficam os mobs Decayed Yeoha e Yeoha, use o item próximo a eles clicando com o botão direito do mouse sobre o item afim de energizá-lo. Em seguida volte para o NPC Miaoryeong the Exorcist 
(encontrada na Exorcist's Home [vê mapa fora da cidade de Jangan] para 
chineses) ou NPC Witch (encontrada na Witch's Lighthouse [vê mapa fora 
de Constantinople] para europeus) afim de entregar a quest.

3 - Relic of Sun God - Pegando esta quest siga para Karakoram e mate  Ishades/Hashades, cate uns 20 Shining Crystal e siga para Cleopatra's Gate em Samarkand. Estando ao centro do portão use os item clicando com o botão direito do mouse e tente pegar o item Relic of Sun God. Caso os Shining Crystals acabem, volte para as Ishades/Hashades para juntar mais e repita o processo. Pegando o item Relic of Sun God retorne ao NPC Miaoryeong the Exorcist 
(encontrada na Exorcist's Home [vê mapa fora da cidade de Jangan] para 
chineses) ou NPC Witch (encontrada na Witch's Lighthouse [vê mapa fora 
de Constantinople] para europeus).

4 - Spirit of underworld - Com o seu zerk carregado, fale novamente com a Exortist/Witch e você 
será teleportado para uma área para lutar contra o espirito do outro mundo. Use o seu zerk para matá-lo ou mesmo que você mate-o sem 
zerk a quest não será completada. Após matar o mob fale novamente 
com a Exorcist/Witch.

5 - Another Increment - Falando novamente com o NPC ele lhe dará mais um item. Leve este item 
para o General Sonhyeon(chineses)/Rachel para os chars euro

fonte sro-brazilteam

Videos - Egyption gear, weapons, roc gear set

                                                               SRO - Egyptian Gear Set B

                                                    Silkroad KSRO Legend X Egypt Weapon
                                                               SRO - Egyptian Gear Set A
SRO - Roc Gear Set

Todas as quests do forgoten

fonte vilammo

'Togui Village Quests'

The Phantom of the Crimson Blood 1
The Phantom of the Crimson Blood Collection

Complete the Phantom of the Crimson Blood collection

Select 1 8th grade Seal of Sun weapon

One-time quest

Merchant Associate Asaman

Togui Elder, Treasure Box Monsters

Como se Teletransportar
You can teleport to the Forgotten World by using a Dimension Hole.
You can obtain Dimension Holes from the monster that appears from the Dimension Pillars.

There are treasures being discovered in the Forgotten World called talismans, and it's got some tongues wagging. I hear anyone who's anyone has set out to find the treasure. Why don't you test your luck at it? Bring me the complete Phantom of the Crimson Blood collection, and I will give you a nice gift.

Strange Incidents

Speak with Hunter Associate Ahmok

EXP 1,100 / Skill EXP 500

One-time quest

General Sonhyeon / Hunter Associate Ahmok


Necromancers and the Cult have joined forces and opened the passageway to the Forgotten World. This has greatly increases the numbers of the monsters, and the situation is critical. Many strange things are happening throughout the world. It seems that the Hotan Kingdom is no exception - Ahmok has requested help from us. I, however, cannot leave my post due to the investigations of the Cult. Will you visit Ahmok instead?

Any Clues?

Deliver Mysterious Fragment to Asaman

EXP 1,100 / Skill EXP 500

One-time quest

Hunter Associate Ahmok / Merchant Associate Asaman


Truth be told, people are going missing mysteriously as of late. We don't know who the culprits are, but they come and go in the blink of an eye and leave hardly any traces. Thankfully, we found this fragment this time. However, we can't decipher it at all. What I would like to ask you to do is to investigate this fragment. How about it? Will you help?

Finding the Culprits

Obtain 60 Mask Fragments

EXP 27,600 / Skill EXP 30,000

One-time quest

Merchant Associate Asaman

Togui (The Phantom of the Crimson Blood level 35~50)

Como se Teletransportar
You can teleport to the Forgotten World by using a Dimension Hole.
You can obtain Dimension Holes from the monster that appears from the Dimension Pillars.

There's no doubt about it. This is a part of the masks worn by the Toguis. If it seems doubtful, try hunting some Toguis in the Forgotten World. Nine times out of ten, they will drop a fragment similar to this, I'll bet. Find as many fragments as will convince you.

Culprits Discovered

Speak with Hunter Associate Ahmok

EXP 1,100 / Skill EXP 500

One-time quest

Merchant Associate Asaman / Hunter Associate Ahmok


Is there anything else you would like to know more about? Hmm… Now, why would Ahmok want information on something like this? No matter. Ahmok must be waiting. You should be on your way now.

The Reason for the Kidnapping

Obtain 80 Togui Documents

EXP 9,200 / Skill EXP 10,000

One-time quest

Hunter Associate Ahmok

Togui Sorcerer (The Phantom of the Crimson Blood level 35~50)

Como se Teletransportar
You can teleport to the Forgotten World by using a Dimension Hole.
You can obtain Dimension Holes from the monster that appears from the Dimension Pillars.

There have often been instances of Toguis harming and eating humans, but this is the first time that they kidnapped anyone. Why would they do something so bothersome, like kidnapping? We will need further investigations. Will you help me once more?

Deciphering the Togui Document

Deliver Togui Document to Miaoryeong

EXP 1,100 / Skill EXP 500

One-time quest

Hunter Associate Ahmok / Exorcist Miaoryeong


The only person that I know who can decipher such strange documents as these is the Exorcist Miaoryeong of Jangan. We will need her assistance on this. Please bring these documents to her and ask her for help.

Soldier's Coat of Arms

Obtain 20 Solder's Coat-of-Arms??? ?? 20? ??

EXP 9,200 / Skill EXP 10,000

One-time quest

Exorcist Miaoryeong

Togui Soldier (The Phantom of the Crimson Blood level 35~50)

Como se Teletransportar
You can teleport to the Forgotten World by using a Dimension Hole.
You can obtain Dimension Holes from the monster that appears from the Dimension Pillars.

You want these documents deciphered? Hmph. These are the writings of the Toguis. But, even for me, these alone are not sufficient to decipher the writings perfectly. Bring me the Coat of Arms carried by Togui Soldiers, and I will decipher them for you.

Deliver the Deciphered Document

Deliver Deciphered Document to Ahmok

EXP 1,100 / Skill EXP 500

One-time quest

Exorcist Miaoryeong / Hunter Associate Ahmok


Here you go. What does it say, you ask? Hmph! It's boring stuff as you might expect from wicked demons. You can hear the rest from Ahmok when you give this to him.

Destroy Those Dolls!

Eliminate 150 Togui Dolls

EXP 3,200 / Skill EXP 3,500 / Select 1 6th grade Seal of Moon weapon

One-time quest

Hunter Associate Ahmok

Togui Doll (The Phantom of the Crimson Blood level 35~50)

Como se Teletransportar
You can teleport to the Forgotten World by using a Dimension Hole.
You can obtain Dimension Holes from the monster that appears from the Dimension Pillars.

Oh, no… These documents contain the instructions on how to collect human souls to create Togui voodoo dolls. The Toguis have been trying to use the kidnapped people as tools to move their dolls. Such cruelty… Something must be done. Before they become the tools of those wicked monsters, you will have to destroy them. Destroy 150 Togui Dolls.

Take Back the Souls

Obtain 100 Confined Souls

EXP 9,620 / Skill EXP 3,500

One-time quest

Hunter Associate Ahmok

Togui Doll (The Phantom of the Crimson Blood level 51~60)

Como se Teletransportar
You can teleport to the Forgotten World by using a Dimension Hole.
You can obtain Dimension Holes from the monster that appears from the Dimension Pillars.

Do you remember the kidnapping incident from before? According to our sources, Toguis have restored the Togui Dolls you destroyed last time. It looks like there will be no end to this until we liberate the souls of the dead. Will you help us?

To Liberate the Souls

Deliver Confined Souls to Miaoryeong

EXP 8,420 / Skill EXP 500

One-time quest

Hunter Associate Ahmok / Exorcist Miaoryeong


It looks like we will need Miaoryeong's assistance once more. Bring the Confined Souls to her and ask for her advice. She, of all people, should know how to liberate these souls.

Understanding the Togui Spell

Obtain 100 Spell Documents

EXP 27,500 / Skill EXP 12,500

One-time quest

Exorcist Miaoryeong

Togui Sorcerer (The Phantom of the Crimson Blood level 51~60)

Como se Teletransportar
You can teleport to the Forgotten World by using a Dimension Hole.
You can obtain Dimension Holes from the monster that appears from the Dimension Pillars.

Hmph! You may ask for this kind of a favor that easily, but this spell is very advanced. I can't just release them at will. Besides, if we force it, the Confined Souls themselves may get disintegrated. So, how do we go about it? The best way is to find out how this spell works and find a way to annule it. If we are to do that, we will need the original copy of the spell. Do you think you could find it?

Soul Holder

Obtain 100 Soul Dishes

EXP 19,200 / Skill EXP 7,000

One-time quest

Exorcist Miaoryeong

Togui Warrior (The Phantom of the Crimson Blood level 51~60)

Como se Teletransportar
You can teleport to the Forgotten World by using a Dimension Hole.
You can obtain Dimension Holes from the monster that appears from the Dimension Pillars.

Tsk, tsk. Those foul creatures cast a nasty spell. There is no way to undo this spell. If we are to save the souls confined in here, we need to bring other souls to replace them with. But there is a way around it - we can switch out the human souls with the Togui souls. To do that, we need the dishes to contain their souls. The more contact they have with Toguis the greater the effect. You just need to bring me some goods carried by Toguis.


Obtain 100 Souls of Togui

EXP 19,200 / Skill EXP 7,000 / Select 1 7th grade Seal of Star weapon

One-time quest

Exorcist Miaoryeong

Togui Soldier (The Phantom of the Crimson Blood level 51~60)

Como se Teletransportar
You can teleport to the Forgotten World by using a Dimension Hole.
You can obtain Dimension Holes from the monster that appears from the Dimension Pillars.

Once we have the souls of Toguis, we can liberate these souls. The stronger the souls the better - Togui Soldiers should do. Defeat Togui Soldiers and bring me their souls.

Toguis on the Rise… Again

Eliminate 500 Toguis

EXP 50,800 / Skill EXP 40,000

One-time quest

Hunter Associate Ahmok

Togui (The Phantom of the Crimson Blood level 61~70)

Como se Teletransportar
You can teleport to the Forgotten World by using a Dimension Hole.
You can obtain Dimension Holes from the monster that appears from the Dimension Pillars.

Thanks to you, we were able to liberate the souls of those who were kidnapped by the Toguis. But I'm receiving reports that Toguis are on the move again to collect human souls. I would appreciate it if you could defeat the Toguis to prevent the same tragedy from repeating... Will you do it?

Down with the Toguis (1)

Eliminate 180 Togui Boomers

EXP 19,800 / Skill EXP 16,000

One-time quest

Hunter Associate Ahmok

Togui Boomer (The Phantom of the Crimson Blood level 61~70)

Como se Teletransportar
You can teleport to the Forgotten World by using a Dimension Hole.
You can obtain Dimension Holes from the monster that appears from the Dimension Pillars.

It looks like Toguis aren't ready to give up yet. We have reports that they are trying to mobilize a great army altogether. We can't just sit here, either. Before they can organize themselves, we must take them out one by one. Will you help us?

Down with the Toguis (2)

Eliminate 120 Togui Warriors

EXP 12,250 / Skill EXP 10,000

One-time quest

Hunter Associate Ahmok

Togui Warrior (The Phantom of the Crimson Blood level 61~70)

Como se Teletransportar
You can teleport to the Forgotten World by using a Dimension Hole.
You can obtain Dimension Holes from the monster that appears from the Dimension Pillars.

Togui Warriors have such great muscle strength that they do all sorts of work in their tribe. Once they are removed, Toguis won't be able so much as to establish a base properly. Slay the Togui Warriors and we will be able to put even more pressure on them. How about it? Can you make this happen?

Down with the Toguis (3)

Eliminate 160 Togui Sorcerers

EXP 17,500 / Skill EXP 14,000

One-time quest

Hunter Associate Ahmok

Togui Sorcerer (The Phantom of the Crimson Blood level 61~70)

Como se Teletransportar
You can teleport to the Forgotten World by using a Dimension Hole.
You can obtain Dimension Holes from the monster that appears from the Dimension Pillars.

The first we must strike among the core Togui forces is, of course, the Togui Sorcerers. Their intelligence is quite high, and they take on the leadership roles among the Toguis. If they are destroyed, the military strength of Toguis will be cut down to less than half. I ask that you go and slay them.

Down with the Toguis (4)

Eliminate 120 Togui Soldiers

EXP 12,250 / Skill EXP 10,000

One-time quest

Hunter Associate Ahmok

Togui Soldier (The Phantom of the Crimson Blood level 61~70)

Como se Teletransportar
You can teleport to the Forgotten World by using a Dimension Hole.
You can obtain Dimension Holes from the monster that appears from the Dimension Pillars.

Togui Sorcerers have fallen. There is no need to hesitate now. This time, please slay Togui Soldiers. Hitting them will leave the Togui Elder defenseless.

Down with the Toguis (5)

Eliminate 8 Togui Generals and 8 Togui Captains

EXP 30,800 / Skill EXP 40,000

One-time quest

Hunter Associate Ahmok

Togui Generals, Togui Captains (The Phantom of the Crimson Blood level 61~70)

Como se Teletransportar
You can teleport to the Forgotten World by using a Dimension Hole.
You can obtain Dimension Holes from the monster that appears from the Dimension Pillars.

In order to bring down the Togui Elder, we need to first slay his henchmen - the Togui Generals and the Togui Captains. Will you reduce their numbers for us?

The Fall of the Elder

Eliminate 1 Togui Elder

EXP 61,600 / Skill EXP 50,000 / Select 1 8th degree Seal of Star weapon

One-time quest

Hunter Associate Ahmok

Togui Elder (The Phantom of the Crimson Blood level 61~70)

Como se Teletransportar
You can teleport to the Forgotten World by using a Dimension Hole.
You can obtain Dimension Holes from the monster that appears from the Dimension Pillars.

Thanks to your accomplishments, the power of Toguis is cut down below half. Not only that, the numbers of those who would protect the Togui Elder are now reduced with the Togui Generals and the Togui Captains weakened. This is our best chance to slay the Togui Elder. Without the Elder, Toguis will lose their will to invade. This is my final request of you. Slay the Togui Elder for us!

The Phantom of the Crimson Blood 2
Togui Annihilation

Eliminate 350 monsters of the Phantom of the Crimson Blood

EXP 291,600 / Skill EXP 17,500

Repeatable quest (Restricted to once per day)

Soldier Pao

Monsters from the Phantom of the Crimson Blood level 61~70 dungeon (Except Envy and Treasure Box)

Como se Teletransportar
You can teleport to the Forgotten World by using a Dimension Hole.
You can obtain Dimension Holes from the monster that appears from the Dimension Pillars.

Since the door to the Forgotten World opened, the pillaging by Toguis knows no bounds. We cannot just sit here and watch them go on. The Hotan Kingdom is seeking worthy warriors for a Togui annihilation operation. If you count yourself competent, will you join in the challenge?

Togui Hunters

Obtain 100 Proof of Hunting Toguis

EXP 250,000 / Skill EXP 15,000

Repeatable quest (Restricted to once per day)

Soldier Tuolan

Monsters from the Phantom of the Crimson Blood level 61~70 dungeon (Except Envy and Treasure Box)

Como se Teletransportar
You can teleport to the Forgotten World by using a Dimension Hole.
You can obtain Dimension Holes from the monster that appears from the Dimension Pillars.

We seek those who will hunt the Toguis that have emerged from the Forgotten World. If you count yourself worthy, give it a try!

Pesky Toguis

Eliminate 140 Toguis

EXP 131,000 / Skill EXP 7,000

Repeatable quest (Restricted to once per day)

Soldier Makhan

(The Phantom of the Crimson Blood level 35~50)

Como se Teletransportar
You can teleport to the Forgotten World by using a Dimension Hole.
You can obtain Dimension Holes from the monster that appears from the Dimension Pillars.

Have you heard of the Forgotten world? I hear that it is from another dimension far, far away. Since the door to that world opened, many of the Toguis that used to live in that world came into our world, and they are wreaking great havoc. We could really use someone's help.

Toguis of Extraordinary Strength

Eliminate 40 Togui Fighters

EXP 37,600 / Skill EXP 2,000

Repeatable quest (Restricted to once per day)

Hunter Associate Ahmok

Togui Fighter (The Phantom of the Crimson Blood level 35~50)

Como se Teletransportar
You can teleport to the Forgotten World by using a Dimension Hole.
You can obtain Dimension Holes from the monster that appears from the Dimension Pillars.

Toguis Fighters from the Forgotten World are said to be bigger and stronger compared to average Toguis. I want to know how great their strength is. Won't you fight them and satisfy my curiosity?

Playing with Bombs

Eliminate 45 Togui Boomers

EXP 42,300 / Skill EXP 2,250

Repeatable quest (Restricted to once per day)

Jewel Lapidary Mamoje

Togui Boomer (The Phantom of the Crimson Blood level 35~50)

Como se Teletransportar
You can teleport to the Forgotten World by using a Dimension Hole.
You can obtain Dimension Holes from the monster that appears from the Dimension Pillars.

Togui Boomers use bombs unlike other Toguis. Whenever they invade the town, they throw those bombs around causing great damage. I had to pour in a lot of money to fix up my store, too. I just need to get back at them. Won't you teach those Togui Boomers a lesson for me?

The Chills

Eliminate 40 Togui Sorcerers

EXP 91,000 / Skill EXP 2,000

Repeatable quest (Restricted to once per day)

Storage-Keeper Auisan

Togui Sorcerer (The Phantom of the Crimson Blood level 51~60)

Como se Teletransportar
You can teleport to the Forgotten World by using a Dimension Hole.
You can obtain Dimension Holes from the monster that appears from the Dimension Pillars.

Have you ever seen the face of a Togui Sorcerer? I've never seen a monster so hideous. It gives me the chills just to think about it. Whew… Lately, I have been plagued by that face and can't even sleep at night. Please, won't you go and slay Togui Sorcerers? I want to be able to sleep peacefully, at least.

Ferocious Togui Warriors

Eliminate 30 Togui Warriors

EXP 68,300 / Skill EXP 1,500

Repeatable quest (Restricted to once per day)

Soldier Baoman

Togui Warrior (The Phantom of the Crimson Blood level 51~60)

Como se Teletransportar
You can teleport to the Forgotten World by using a Dimension Hole.
You can obtain Dimension Holes from the monster that appears from the Dimension Pillars.

When the door to the Forgotten World was opened and monsters came pouring out, my friends and I had a battle against Togui Warriors. We suffered serious defeat and had to run to survive. We were able to shake off their pursuit barely when the reinforcement forces arrived just in time. But I still feel the humiliation and the anger from that incident. I want to somehow seize the opportunity to get my revenge and vindicate myself, but I am a castle guard and can't just abandon my post. Won't you destroy Togui Warriors on my behalf?

The Threat of Togui Soldiers

Eliminate 30 Togui Soldiers

EXP 25,000 / Skill EXP 1,500

Repeatable quest (Restricted to once per day)

Specialty Trader Sanmok

Togui Soldier (The Phantom of the Crimson Blood level 61~70)

Como se Teletransportar
You can teleport to the Forgotten World by using a Dimension Hole.
You can obtain Dimension Holes from the monster that appears from the Dimension Pillars.

Since the door to the Forgotten World opened, Toguis are wreaking havoc everywhere and I can't do trading with peace of mind. With the rumors of an invasion by a large Togui Soldier army, no one can go around to sell goods with peace of mind, whether the rumors are true or not. So, I ask of you - will you lend me a hand?

Cursed Dolls

Eliminate 40 Togui Dolls

EXP 33,300 / Skill EXP 2,000

Repeatable quest (Restricted to once per day)

Specialty Trader Sanmok

Togui Doll (The Phantom of the Crimson Blood level 61~70)

Como se Teletransportar
You can teleport to the Forgotten World by using a Dimension Hole.
You can obtain Dimension Holes from the monster that appears from the Dimension Pillars.

Have you heard rumors lately of ominous dolls? I hear that hideous-looking dolls are walking about attacking people. When such hideous things are about, it ruins the business. Now, there must be a way to dispose of those confounded dolls…

If It Weren't for This Sickness…

Eliminate 2 Togui Generals

EXP 42,000 / Skill EXP 2,500

Repeatable quest (Restricted to once per day)

Soldier Wulan

Togui General (The Phantom of the Crimson Blood level 61~70)

Como se Teletransportar
You can teleport to the Forgotten World by using a Dimension Hole.
You can obtain Dimension Holes from the monster that appears from the Dimension Pillars.

Togui Generals lead Toguis. Towns ruined. I want to kill all. I sick. Very sick. No sick, Toguis dead by me.

Bringing the Guard Down

Eliminate 2 Togui Captains

EXP 42,000 / Skill EXP 2,500

Repeatable quest (Restricted to once per day)

Soldier Leihan

Togui Captain (The Phantom of the Crimson Blood level 61~70)

Como se Teletransportar
You can teleport to the Forgotten World by using a Dimension Hole.
You can obtain Dimension Holes from the monster that appears from the Dimension Pillars.

They say that, among the Toguis of the Forgotten World, there is an Elder who leads them. Once he is dead, Toguis will fracture and the one who killed him will gain great wealth and fame. But the Togui Captains who protect the Togui Elder by his side is no small hindrance. Once they are gone, I might have the opportunity to bring down the Togui Elder. It's really too bad.

Proof of Guts

Obtain 50 Fragments of Togui's Knife

EXP 113,000 / Skill EXP 7,000

Repeatable quest (Restricted to once per day)

Soldier Duyun

Togui (The Phantom of the Crimson Blood level 35~50)

Como se Teletransportar
You can teleport to the Forgotten World by using a Dimension Hole.
You can obtain Dimension Holes from the monster that appears from the Dimension Pillars.

I'm in trouble. My fellow soldiers were teasing me saying that I have no guts. In the heat of the moment, I told them that I would hunt Toguis of the Forgotten World. My stupid mouth… I have to bring them Fragments of Togui's Knife as the proof of hunting them, but I have yet to get one. Oh, how did I come to make such a wager? I really need some help.

Togui Spell Dust

Obtain 40 Spell Dust

EXP 37,600 / Skill EXP 2,000

Repeatable quest (Restricted to once per day)

Potion Merchant Manina

Togui Sorcerer (The Phantom of the Crimson Blood level 35~50)

Como se Teletransportar
You can teleport to the Forgotten World by using a Dimension Hole.
You can obtain Dimension Holes from the monster that appears from the Dimension Pillars.

Togui Sorcerers use dust for their spells. If we can but analyze the dust, we might be able to create herbs that can withstand their spells. The town will become peaceful and I will become renowned. This is a win-win situation. Now, hurry on and bring me Spell Dust from Togui Sorcerers.

Soul Fragments

Obtain 40 Wood Chips of the Togui Doll

EXP 37,600 / Skill EXP 2,000

Repeatable quest (Restricted to once per day)

Protector Trader Gonishya

Togui Doll (The Phantom of the Crimson Blood level 35~50)

Como se Teletransportar
You can teleport to the Forgotten World by using a Dimension Hole.
You can obtain Dimension Holes from the monster that appears from the Dimension Pillars.

They say that the Togui Dolls created by Togui Sorcerers contain the bitter resentment of the souls confined within them. What does it mean that their bitter resentment remains in them? My curiosity just might get satisfied if I can examine the fragments of those monsters...

Anything for the Clients

Obtain 20 Togui Skin

EXP 273,000 / Skill EXP 6,000

Repeatable quest (Restricted to once per day)

Protector Trader Gonishya

Togui (The Phantom of the Crimson Blood level 51~60)

Como se Teletransportar
You can teleport to the Forgotten World by using a Dimension Hole.
You can obtain Dimension Holes from the monster that appears from the Dimension Pillars.

I'm in trouble - the orders are backed up so much! I'm desperately short on leather. It's almost as if leather has gone extinct. I'm almost willing to use Togui Skin.

Revenge with a Bite

Obtain 10 Togui Teeth

EXP 68,300 / Skill EXP 1,500

Repeatable quest (Restricted to once per day)

Blacksmith Soboi

Togui Warrior (The Phantom of the Crimson Blood level 51~60)

Como se Teletransportar
You can teleport to the Forgotten World by using a Dimension Hole.
You can obtain Dimension Holes from the monster that appears from the Dimension Pillars.

Listen, my friend. You know that Toguis have appeared from a place called the Forgotten World, don't you? Now, these nasty things bit my arm. I blew their heads off with my hammer here, but I'm still not satisfied. I will have to pull out all their teeth out to get my revenge!

A Bucket of Cold Water

Obtain 40 Togui Tendons

EXP 91,000 / Skill EXP 2,000

Repeatable quest (Restricted to once per day)

Hunter Associate Ahmok

Togui Fighter (The Phantom of the Crimson Blood level 51~60)

Como se Teletransportar
You can teleport to the Forgotten World by using a Dimension Hole.
You can obtain Dimension Holes from the monster that appears from the Dimension Pillars.

Since the Forgotten World appeared, the pillaging of the Toguis has caused immense damage. If we don't throw a bucket of cold water on their spirit now, they might become even rowdier. So, we are recruiting those who will deal with them. If you are interested, you should apply.

Togui Gourmet

Obtain 30 Creepy Eyes

EXP 37,500 / Skill EXP 1,500

Repeatable quest (Restricted to once per day)

Stable-Keeper Salihap

Togui Boomer (The Phantom of the Crimson Blood level 61~70)

Como se Teletransportar
You can teleport to the Forgotten World by using a Dimension Hole.
You can obtain Dimension Holes from the monster that appears from the Dimension Pillars.

When Toguis appeared to pillage a while ago, I saw Togui Boomers eating creepy-looking eyes. How could they enjoy eating something so disgusting? Or… perhaps they are really tasty? I'm curious. I'm so curious, in fact, that I would like to try one myself.


'Flame Mountain Quests'

The Burning Abyss 1
The Burning Abyss Collection

Complete the Burning Abyss collection

Select 1 9th grade Seal of Sun weapon

One-time quest

Hunter Associate Ahmok

Flame Cow King, Treasure Box Monsters

Como se Teletransportar
You can teleport to the Forgotten World by using a Dimension Hole.
You can obtain Dimension Holes from the monster that appears from the Dimension Pillars.

Talismans of great power are being found on the Flame Mountain of the Forgotten World. Many warriors, including those of us at the Hunter Union, are out on an adventure to find them. Would you be up for the challenge, too? A great reward awaits those who complete the Burning Abyss collection.

Strange Rumors

Talk to Hunter Associate Ahmok

EXP 2,600 / Skill EXP 500

One-time quest

General Ratchel / Hunter Associate Ahmok


Since the necromancers and the Cult opened the door of the Forgotten World, monsters that have never seen before began to appear. We are having a lot of trouble taking care of this mess. We have received word a while ago that strange rumors are floating about in the Hotan Kingdom, our ally. I'm concerned that it might be connected to this incident. If you don't mind, would you like to lend us a hand?

Rumors of a Red Dragon

Obtain 20 Red Jewels

EXP 163,700 / Skill EXP 12,500

One-time quest

Hunter Associate Ahmok

Flame Salamander (The Burning Abyss level 71~80)

Como se Teletransportar
You can teleport to the Forgotten World by using a Dimension Hole.
You can obtain Dimension Holes from the monster that appears from the Dimension Pillars.

As of late, more and more people are reporting to have witnessed a red dragon in the town. Whenever the guards or the hunter associates arrived at the scene, it was after the red dragon had left. It's not just one or two people talking about this, so it doesn't seem to be some sort of a prank. Perhaps this is connected to the Flame Mountain in the Forgotten World. Would you do some investigation for us?

The Red Jewel

Deliver Red Jewel to Jewel Lapidary Mamoje

EXP 2,600 / Skill EXP 500

One-time quest

Hunter Associate Ahmok / Jewel Lapidary Mamoje


It bothers me to think about why Flame Salamanders would appear in our town and then just disappear. We should probably do some investigation into these jewels that are fragments of the Flame Salamanders. And, if it's about jewels, we should probably ask Mamoje the gem cutter. Please deliver this jewel to him.

Bring Me the Arrows of Flame Archers!

Obtain 20 Arrows of Flame Archers

EXP 130,900 / Skill EXP 10,000

One-time quest

Jewel Lapidary Mamoje

Flame Archer (The Burning Abyss level 71~80)

Como se Teletransportar
You can teleport to the Forgotten World by using a Dimension Hole.
You can obtain Dimension Holes from the monster that appears from the Dimension Pillars.

This one is rather special, but it won't be too difficult to take it apart and examine it. But, I'm taking time out of my precious schedule, so you will have to do me a favor. First, get me some Arrows of Flame Archers in the Forgotten World. I've heard a rumor that these arrows are aflame on their own. I've always wanted to see one with my own eyes. I'm counting on you.

Bring Me the Demon Crystals!

Obtain 20 Demon Crystals

EXP 99,000 / Skill EXP 7,500

One-time quest

Jewel Lapidary Mamoje

Flame Evil (The Burning Abyss level 71~80)

Como se Teletransportar
You can teleport to the Forgotten World by using a Dimension Hole.
You can obtain Dimension Holes from the monster that appears from the Dimension Pillars.

I've heard before that, when an impure spirit of the Flame Mountain hardens, a beautiful crystal is produced. Any gem cutter would be intrigued by the word 'beautiful'. If you bring those crystals for me, I will take the Red Jewel apart and examine it for you.

Investigations Report

Deliver Investigations Report to Hunter Associate Ahmok

EXP 2,600 / Skill EXP 500

One-time quest

Jewel Lapidary Mamoje / Hunter Associate Ahmok


While you were out collecting Demon Crystals, I completed the analysis report on the Red Jewel. You can hear the details from Ahmok after you deliver the report to him.

Honhaea's Conspiracy

Obtain 2 Honghaea's Hearts

EXP 327,300 / Skill EXP 40,000 / Select 1 9th grade Seal of Star weapon

One-time quest

Hunter Associate Ahmok

Honghaea (The Burning Abyss level 71~80)

Como se Teletransportar
You can teleport to the Forgotten World by using a Dimension Hole.
You can obtain Dimension Holes from the monster that appears from the Dimension Pillars.

According to Mamoje's report, Red Jewels are devices to control the dragons called Flame Salamanders. It says that Honghaea of the Flame Mountain is planning to attack Hotan with these Salamanders. Hmm… This is grave news. If we don't stop Honghaea soon, the entire Hotan Kingdom will be set ablaze. To prevent it, we have no other choice but to fell Honghaea himself! Will you help us once again?

Weakening the Flame Mountain (1)

Eliminate 120 Flame Gigantes

EXP 205,000 / Skill EXP 17,500

One-time quest

Hunter Associate Ahmok

Flame Gigante (The Burning Abyss level 81~90)

Como se Teletransportar
You can teleport to the Forgotten World by using a Dimension Hole.
You can obtain Dimension Holes from the monster that appears from the Dimension Pillars.

I have some bad news. We are told that Honghaea, whom we defeated before, was actually the son of the Flame Cow King on the Flame Mountain. Angered by his son's death, the Flame Cow King is apparently assembling all of his forces. At this rate, we'll have a big war on our hands. We have no choice but to cut down their military strength before the Flame Cow King begins to move. We need your strength.

Weakening the Flame Mountain (2)

Hunt 100 Flame Masters

EXP 150,000 / Skill EXP 12,500

One-time quest

Hunter Associate Ahmok

Flame Master (The Burning Abyss level 81~90)

Como se Teletransportar
You can teleport to the Forgotten World by using a Dimension Hole.
You can obtain Dimension Holes from the monster that appears from the Dimension Pillars.

Our next target is the Flame Masters. These are monsters apt at handling fire. If we take them out, we will have significantly reduced the military strength at the Flame Mountain. We're counting on you this time, too.

Sources of Flame (1)

Obtain 10 Sources of Wise Flame

EXP 125,000 / Skill EXP 10,000

One-time quest

Hunter Associate Ahmok

Flame Witch (The Burning Abyss level 81~90)

Como se Teletransportar
You can teleport to the Forgotten World by using a Dimension Hole.
You can obtain Dimension Holes from the monster that appears from the Dimension Pillars.

If we are to avoid the battle with the Flame Mountain, we have no choice but to bring down the Flame Cow King who rules them all. But the Flame Cow King is so powerful that even you would have a hard time facing him. So, we must weaken him first. It will certainly help us if we seize the two flame sources said to be the source of his powers.

Sources of Flame (2)

Obtain 2 Sources of Valiant Flame

EXP 292,500 / Skill EXP 40,000

One-time quest

Hunter Associate Ahmok

Flame Captain (The Burning Abyss level 81~90)

Como se Teletransportar
You can teleport to the Forgotten World by using a Dimension Hole.
You can obtain Dimension Holes from the monster that appears from the Dimension Pillars.

This time, we need the Source of Valiant Flame. If the Source of Wise Flame gave the Flame Cow King wisdom, the Source of Valiant Flame gives him strong will and great strength. Bring it to me and it will weaken the Flame Cow King. I look forward to your outstanding performance on this job.

To Butcher the Cow

Eliminate 1 Flame Cow King

EXP 37,840,200 / Skill EXP 300,000

One-time quest

Hunter Associate Ahmok

Flame Cow King (The Burning Abyss level 81~90)

Como se Teletransportar
You can teleport to the Forgotten World by using a Dimension Hole.
You can obtain Dimension Holes from the monster that appears from the Dimension Pillars.

The Flame Cow King may have become weakened, but we don't know when he will recover his lost strength. If we are going to strike him, we must do it now. Defeat the Flame Cow King and save the Hotan Kingdom.

Annihilate the Flame Demons

Eliminate 250 monsters of the Burning Abyss

EXP 2,082,000 / Skill EXP 12,500

Repeatable quest (Restricted to once per day)

Soldier Baoman

Monsters from the Burning Abyss level 81~90 dungeon (Except Envy and Treasure Box)

Como se Teletransportar
You can teleport to the Forgotten World by using a Dimension Hole.
You can obtain Dimension Holes from the monster that appears from the Dimension Pillars.

The flame demons of the Forgotten World are a great threat to the Hotan Kingdom. We can't just sit here and watch their brutality take place. We need to undertake a large-scale annihilation operation. If you count yourself capable, join the expedition and build a name for yourself!

The Burning Abyss 2
Demon Hunter

Obtain 120 Proof of Hunting Flame Demons

EXP 1,998,000 / Skill EXP 12,000

Repeatable quest (Restricted to once per day)

Soldier Makhan

Monsters from the Burning Abyss level 81~90 dungeon (Except Envy and Treasure Box)

Como se Teletransportar
You can teleport to the Forgotten World by using a Dimension Hole.
You can obtain Dimension Holes from the monster that appears from the Dimension Pillars.

We are recruiting courageous people who will slay demons on the Flame Mountain. Will you stand up to the challenge?

Shameful Memory

Eliminate 25 Flame Salamanders

EXP 479,000 / Skill EXP 1,300

Repeatable quest (Restricted to once per day)

Boat Ticket Seller Ahgon

Flame Salamander (The Burning Abyss level 71~80)

Como se Teletransportar
You can teleport to the Forgotten World by using a Dimension Hole.
You can obtain Dimension Holes from the monster that appears from the Dimension Pillars.

Will you listen to my story? When the door to the Forgotten World opened, a dragon of fire came out of it. When I saw it, I ended up wetting myself. Everyone was watching. I'm embarrassed and angry. Thankfully, I didn't get hurt, but, whenever I think back to that time, I can't sleep at night. I would appreciate if someone would get back at them for me.

Rumors of Flame Giants

Eliminate 25 Flame Giants

EXP 479,000 / Skill EXP 1,300

Repeatable quest (Restricted to once per day)

Blacksmith Soboi

Flame Giant (The Burning Abyss level 71~80)

Como se Teletransportar
You can teleport to the Forgotten World by using a Dimension Hole.
You can obtain Dimension Holes from the monster that appears from the Dimension Pillars.

Monsters called Flame Giants are said to live on the Flame Mountain in the Forgotten World. They say that they are monsters of fire with immense strength. Many have fallen because of them already. You had best keep your curiosity in check and keep yourself from picking a fight with them.

Power of Evolved Demon

Eliminate 30 Flame Ghosts

EXP 575,000 / Skill EXP 1,500

Repeatable quest (Restricted to once per day)

Soldier Wulan

Flame Ghost (The Burning Abyss level 71~80)

Como se Teletransportar
You can teleport to the Forgotten World by using a Dimension Hole.
You can obtain Dimension Holes from the monster that appears from the Dimension Pillars.

Flame Ghosts. Evolved form of Flame Evils. I want to defeat them. But must protect Kingdom. You slay Flame Ghosts for me.

Monsters with Flame Arrows

Eliminate 26 Flame Archers

EXP 498,000 / Skill EXP 1,300

Repeatable quest (Restricted to once per day)

Hunter Associate Ahmok

Flame Archer (The Burning Abyss level 71~80)

Como se Teletransportar
You can teleport to the Forgotten World by using a Dimension Hole.
You can obtain Dimension Holes from the monster that appears from the Dimension Pillars.

Their arrows brutally incinerated my precious buddies of war. But all I could do was run away and survive; I couldn't do a thing for them. Please. Will you avenge their death on my behalf?

Unpleasant Presence

Eliminate 25 Flame Evils

EXP 208,000 / Skill EXP 1,250

Repeatable quest (Restricted to once per day)

Storage-Keeper Auisan

Flame Evil (The Burning Abyss level 81~90)

Como se Teletransportar
You can teleport to the Forgotten World by using a Dimension Hole.
You can obtain Dimension Holes from the monster that appears from the Dimension Pillars.

Please slay Flame Evils. Why? No reason. I just hate the fact that there are monsters that harass the townsfolk.

To Become Stronger

Eliminate 40 Flame Gigantes

EXP 333,000 / Skill EXP 2,000

Repeatable quest (Restricted to once per day)

Soldier Batu

Flame Gigante (The Burning Abyss level 81~90)

Como se Teletransportar
You can teleport to the Forgotten World by using a Dimension Hole.
You can obtain Dimension Holes from the monster that appears from the Dimension Pillars.

Have you heard of the name 'Flame Gigante'? It's a fearsome monsters that you can only find on the Flame Mountain. That also means that, as you defeat it, it will strengthen you greatly. How about it? Will you stand up to the challenge?

Harsh Masters

Eliminate 30 Flame Masters

EXP 250,000 / Skill EXP 1,500

Repeatable quest (Restricted to once per day)

Stable-Keeper Salihap

Flame Master (The Burning Abyss level 81~90)

Como se Teletransportar
You can teleport to the Forgotten World by using a Dimension Hole.
You can obtain Dimension Holes from the monster that appears from the Dimension Pillars.

I hear this year will see a famine. They say it will be a terrible year because the Flame Masters ruined the farmlands. Common folks like us are busy trying to feed ourselves. Why should we worry about monsters like them? Would you go on our behalf and teach them a lesson?


Eliminate 30 Flame Witches

EXP 250,000 / Skill EXP 1,500

Repeatable quest (Restricted to once per day)

Merchant Associate Asaman

Flame Witch (The Burning Abyss level 81~90)

Como se Teletransportar
You can teleport to the Forgotten World by using a Dimension Hole.
You can obtain Dimension Holes from the monster that appears from the Dimension Pillars.

Have you heard of the Flame Witches? The rumor has it that they seduce men and then turn them to ashes. If we don't do anything about it, all the men in this town might die and I will have no men left to marry. Before our men become extinct, could you possibly go and take care of the Flame Witches?

Fragments of Giants

Obtain 10 Fragments of Flame Giant

EXP 540,000 / Skill EXP 1,000

Repeatable quest (Restricted to once per day)

Protector Trader Gonishya

Flame Giant (The Burning Abyss level 71~80)

Como se Teletransportar
You can teleport to the Forgotten World by using a Dimension Hole.
You can obtain Dimension Holes from the monster that appears from the Dimension Pillars.

I hear that the Flame Giants on the Flame Mountain put out fire from their body. Normally, heat that intense would melt down the body… How could they withstand such intense heat? Could there be a secret in their body? This mystery would be solved if someone were to get me Fragments of Flame Giants...

Burning Stones

Obtain 30 Gemstones of Flame

EXP 575,000 / Skill EXP 1,500

Repeatable quest (Restricted to once per day)

Blacksmith Soboi

Flame Master (The Burning Abyss level 71~80)

Como se Teletransportar
You can teleport to the Forgotten World by using a Dimension Hole.
You can obtain Dimension Holes from the monster that appears from the Dimension Pillars.

Will you help me? I hear that monsters on the Flame Mountain called Flame Masters carry what are called Gemstones of Flame. These mysterious stones put out heat continuously. I have a feeling that I will be able to make good equipment with them. If you happen to be on your way to the Flame Mountain, will you get me those Gemstones of Flame?

Witch Hairpin

Obtain 15 Hairpins of the Witch

EXP 575,000 / Skill EXP 1,500

Repeatable quest (Restricted to once per day)

Merchant Associate Asaman

Flame Witch (The Burning Abyss level 71~80)

Como se Teletransportar
You can teleport to the Forgotten World by using a Dimension Hole.
You can obtain Dimension Holes from the monster that appears from the Dimension Pillars.

The Flame Witches on the Flame Mountain are notorious for seducing men and then burning them to crisp. From what I hear, this mysterious ability comes from the hairpins they carry. If I have that hairpin, I, too, will be able to hoard all the attention of men. So, will you bring me some of those hairpins?

Bring Me the Demon Jade!

Obtain 25 Demon Jade

EXP 208,000 / Skill EXP 1,250

Repeatable quest (Restricted to once per day)

Nephrite Refiner Pahap

Flame Evil (The Burning Abyss level 81~90)

Como se Teletransportar
You can teleport to the Forgotten World by using a Dimension Hole.
You can obtain Dimension Holes from the monster that appears from the Dimension Pillars.

This whole thing with the Forgotten World has got everyone's tongue wagging. In particular, the Demon Jade carried by Flame Evils is said to be quite beautiful. They say it's as beautiful as nephrite. Hmph! I have no interest in such senseless rumors, but I am a little curious. So, could you get me some Demon Jade? *chuckle*


'Shipwreck Quests'

The Green Abyss 1
The Green Abyss Collection

Complete the Green Abyss collection

Select 1 10th grade Seal of Moon weapon

One-time quest

Guild Manager Musai

Sereness (The Green Abyss), Treasure Box Monsters

Como se Teletransportar
You can teleport to the Forgotten World by using a Dimension Hole.
You can obtain Dimension Holes from the monster that appears from the Dimension Pillars.

Are you collecting talismans from the Forgotten World, too? Anyone who's anyone is out to find the treasure, and it is creating great chaos. If you are collecting the talismans, will you be up for the challenge of completing a collection? Bring me the complete Green Abyss collection, and I will give you a fine gift.

Appearance of Ghosts

Speak with Hunter Associate Ahmok

EXP 157,700 / Skill EXP 500

One-time quest

General Sonhyeon / Hunter Associate Ahmok


The Cult and the necromancers opened the door to the Forgotten World in order to obtain talismans of great power. Because of that, many are suffering. It seemed that rumors of ghosts were floating about in Hotan… I suspect that this might also be related to the Forgotten World. Will you go speak with the Hunter Associate, Ahmok, and find out what is happening?

Soul Stone Collection (1)

Obtain 20 Soul Stones of Evil Spirits

EXP 1,261,600 / Skill EXP 10,000

One-time quest

Hunter Associate Ahmok

Seiren (The Green Abyss level 91~100)

Como se Teletransportar
You can teleport to the Forgotten World by using a Dimension Hole.
You can obtain Dimension Holes from the monster that appears from the Dimension Pillars.

There's no mystery behind the rumors. It's all because evil spirits of another world poured in through the door to the Forgotten World. But their inflow alone can't cause this much trouble… Hmm… Anyway, in order to help them reach Nirvana, we need their soul stones. This is something we can obtain not by hunting the spirits directly but from the monsters that are with them. Will you help us?

Soul Stone Collection (2)

Obtain 20 Soul Stones of Vindictive Spirits

EXP 1,261,600 / Skill EXP 10,000

One-time quest

Hunter Associate Ahmok

Ghost King Nipper (The Green Abyss level 91~100)

Como se Teletransportar
You can teleport to the Forgotten World by using a Dimension Hole.
You can obtain Dimension Holes from the monster that appears from the Dimension Pillars.

This time, bring me the Soul Stones of Vindictive Spirits. You can get them from the Ghost King Nippers in the level 91-100 dungeon in the Forgotten World. 20 should be enough.

Soul Fragments

Obtain 100 Soul Fragments

EXP 47,788,160 / Skill EXP 300,000

One-time quest

Hunter Associate Ahmok

Monsters in the Green Abyss level 91~100 dungeon (Except Envy and Treasure Box)

Como se Teletransportar
You can teleport to the Forgotten World by using a Dimension Hole.
You can obtain Dimension Holes from the monster that appears from the Dimension Pillars.

We have all the soul stones we need. The souls in the soul stones can be liberated by using the Soul Fragments. Only Ghost Wrecks carry Soul Fragments. Hunt down these Ghost Wrecks and bring me Soul Fragments.

The Green Abyss 2
Ghost Buster

Eliminate 200 monters of the Green Abyss

EXP 5,150,000 / Skill EXP 10,000

Repeatable quest (Restricted to once per day)

Soldier Duyun

Monsters in the Green Abyss level 91~100 dungeon (Except Envy and Treasure Box)

Como se Teletransportar
You can teleport to the Forgotten World by using a Dimension Hole.
You can obtain Dimension Holes from the monster that appears from the Dimension Pillars.

This is terrible. With the door to the Forgotten World open, the evil spirits dormant within began pouring out into this world. It is the Law of Nature for the dead to return to the nether world. If we leave them, we don't know what may happen. Could you help those souls reach Nirvana?

My Precioussss…

Eliminate 35 Ghost Marauders

EXP 901,000 / Skill EXP 1,750

Repeatable quest (Restricted to once per day)

Nephrite Refiner Pahap

Ghost Marauder (The Green Abyss level 91~100)

Como se Teletransportar
You can teleport to the Forgotten World by using a Dimension Hole.
You can obtain Dimension Holes from the monster that appears from the Dimension Pillars.

You have probably heard of evil spirits coming into this world since the door to the Forgotten World opened? Hmph! I don't care about that. What I do care about are the cunning and greedy monsters called Ghost Marauders. To think that those gem-loving monsters may be targeting my nephrite... I can't even sleep at night. Hey, would you mind taking care of those cunning monsters?

Beautiful Ghosts of the Sea

Eliminate 35 Seirens

EXP 901,000 / Skill EXP 1,750

Repeatable quest (Restricted to once per day)

Specialty Trader Sanmok

Seiren (The Green Abyss level 91~100)

Como se Teletransportar
You can teleport to the Forgotten World by using a Dimension Hole.
You can obtain Dimension Holes from the monster that appears from the Dimension Pillars.

I hear that monsters called Seirens live in the Forgotten World. They are reputed to have such beautiful faces. I think I might fall for their beauty that I'm afraid to go face them. If you happen to be on your way to deal with those monsters, would you come back later and tell me about them?

Overbearing Claws

Eliminate 30 Ghost King Nippers

EXP 772,000 / Skill EXP 1,500

Repeatable quest (Restricted to once per day)

Soldier Wulan

Ghost King Nipper (The Green Abyss level 91~100)

Como se Teletransportar
You can teleport to the Forgotten World by using a Dimension Hole.
You can obtain Dimension Holes from the monster that appears from the Dimension Pillars.

Abyss of Forgotten World. Ghost King Nippers. Strong claws. No one can beat them. See if you can defeat them.

Wicked Ghost Pirates

Eliminate 14 Ghost Pirates

EXP 360,000 / Skill EXP 700

Repeatable quest (Restricted to once per day)

Storage-Keeper Auisan

Ghost Pirate (The Green Abyss level 91~100)

Como se Teletransportar
You can teleport to the Forgotten World by using a Dimension Hole.
You can obtain Dimension Holes from the monster that appears from the Dimension Pillars.

At the Shipwreck in the Forgotten World, evil spirits called Ghost Pirates are said to roam about. I hear that they were pirates notorious for their evil deeds when they were still living. I suppose a villain is a villain alive or dead. Please take care of them so that they can't harass innocent people anymore.

Commanders of the Ghosts

Eliminate 30 Ghost Commanders

EXP 772,000 / Skill EXP 1,500

Repeatable quest (Restricted to once per day)

Soldier Makhan

Ghost Commander (The Green Abyss level 91~100)

Como se Teletransportar
You can teleport to the Forgotten World by using a Dimension Hole.
You can obtain Dimension Holes from the monster that appears from the Dimension Pillars.

We are doing our best to keep the people safe from the Ghost Pirates that have appeared from the Forgotten World. But the commanders who lead them are by no means average and we miss them every time. Oh, if we could only do something about those Ghost Commanders...

Exorcist in the House

Eliminate 20 Ghost Specters

EXP 515,000 / Skill EXP 1,000

Repeatable quest (Restricted to once per day)

Hunter Associate Ahmok

Ghost Specter (The Green Abyss level 91~100)

Como se Teletransportar
You can teleport to the Forgotten World by using a Dimension Hole.
You can obtain Dimension Holes from the monster that appears from the Dimension Pillars.

You know that lots of trouble is happening because of the evil spirits from the Forgotten World, don't you? Because of that, the Hunter Union is receiving lots of requests to eradicate them. We have a request to eradicate Ghost Specters… How about it? Will you give it a try?

Ghost Wrecks

Eliminate 20 Ghost Wrecks

EXP 515,000 / Skill EXP 1,000

Repeatable quest (Restricted to once per day)

Hunter Associate Ahmok

Ghost Wreck (The Green Abyss level 91~100)

Como se Teletransportar
You can teleport to the Forgotten World by using a Dimension Hole.
You can obtain Dimension Holes from the monster that appears from the Dimension Pillars.

At the Shipwreck in the Forgotten World, there seem to be mutant evil spirits born as multiple evil spirits "clumped" together. The military considers them significant threats. We have a request at the Hunter Union to investigate the military strength of the evil spirits... Would you be interested?

The Curiosity of a Gemcutter

Obtain 35 Jewels of Vindictive Spirits

EXP 901,000 / Skill EXP 1,750

Repeatable quest (Restricted to once per day)

Jewel Lapidary Mamoje

Ghost Marauder (The Green Abyss level 91~100)

Como se Teletransportar
You can teleport to the Forgotten World by using a Dimension Hol

QUESTS Tutorial INTERMEDIATE Pharaoh's Tomb

AEWWW GALERA!!!! postado por FALANGE

Finalmente achei o tutorial para fazer as quests de nível intermediário da PHARAOH'S TOMB, para receber título de SENIOR GENERAL (china) ou BARON (euro)!!!

fonte: silkroad portugal

Tutorial Blue zerk quest lvl105

Antes de mais todas as quest do Holy Water Temple em Begginer Mode devem estar
completas: Kill Apiss e Todos os Outros Uniques em Begginer.

Falar com o General Sonhyeon em Jangan para Char's Chineses

Falar com a Rachel em Constantinopla para Char's Europeus

A partir deste ponto é igual para todos independentemente da Raça...

ATENÇÃO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EU ANDRÉ DONO DO _FALANGE_ (euro) FUI ATÉ A RACHEL EM CONSTANTINOPLA E PEGUEI A QUEST,desculpe mas n lebro o nome agora, não tem como errar, apenas 1 quest é a do nível, todas as outras são noobs, DEPOIS VC VAI ATÉ O ""GOVERNADOR SENMUTE"" E ENTREGA, EM SEGUIDA TERÁ QUE PEGAR OUTRA QUEST COM ELE PARA ENTREGAR AO ""DOCTOR RENENUTET"" APÓS ISSO AI SIM VOCÊ VAI PEGAR A 1ª QUEST DESTA LISTA. N SEI COMO É NO (CHINA) MAS DEVE SER IGUAL!

Deves dirigir-te para o Palácio em Alexandria falar com Governador Senmute.

Quest "The Ancient Power of Egypt"

O Governador manda-te Falar com o Doctor Renenutet.

este npc ira dar-te as quests para Fazeres dentro do Temple em Modo INTERMEDIATE

1.ª Quest "Intermediate Insect Ostracon"

Matar e recolher 100 sacos de Lightning Khepri ou Demon Bug

estes mobs estão logo na primeira sala do Temple onde se encontra o Sphinx

2ª Quest "Intermediate Warrior Ostracon"

Matar e recolher 100 sacos de Mhont ou Keisas

3ª Quest "Intermediate Fairy Ostracon"

Matar e recolher 100 sacos de Heron

4ª Quest "Intermediate Beholder Ostracon"

Matar e recolher 100 sacos de Tel Basta, Bastet ou Bast

5ª Quest "Intermediate Beast Ostracon"

Matar e recolher 100 sacos de Sand Hyena Chief Hyena

6ª Quest "Intermediate Dead Ostracon"

Matar e recolher 100 sacos de Mummy of Wrath Mummy of Arrogance

7ª Quest "Intermediate God Ostracon"

Matar e recolher 50 sacos de Uniques: Sphinx Sekhmet Nephthys Horus Osiris.

Depois de Completadas todas estas quest's dirige-te ao General Sonhyeon ou Rachel
e receberas finalmente o novo Rank de Senior General ou Baron...


Ostracon of the Insect (Intermediate)
NPC: Doctor Renmutet (Alex)
Tarefa: 100 item de Intermediate Pharaoh's Tomb
Mob: Lightning Khephi / Demon Bug
EXP 10825843 / Skill Points 1600 / Gold 490

Ostracon of the Warrior (Intermediate)
NPC: Doctor Renmutet (Alex)
Tarefa: 100 item de Intermediate Pharaoh's Tomb
Mob: Mhont / Keisas
EXP 10825843 / Skill Points 1600 / Gold 490

Ostracon of the Spirit (Intermediate)
NPC: Doctor Renmutet (Alex)
Tarefa: 100 item de Intermediate Pharaoh's Tomb
Mob: Heron
EXP 10825843 / Skill Points 1600 / Gold 490

Ostracon if the Monitor (Intermediate)
NPC: Doctor Renmutet (Alex)
Tarefa: 100 item de Intermediate Pharaoh's Tomb
Mob: Bast / Bastet / Tel Bastet
EXP 10825843 / Skill Points 1600 / Gold 490

Ostracon of the Beast (Intermediate)
NPC: Doctor Renmutet (Alex)
Tarefa: 100 item de Intermediate Pharaoh's Tomb
Mob: Sand Hyena / Chief Hyena
EXP 10825843 / Skill Points 1600 / Gold 490

Ostracon of the Dead (Intermediate)
NPC: Doctor Renmutet (Alex)
Tarefa: 100 item de Intermediate Pharaoh's Tomb
Mob: Mummy of Wrath / Mummy of Arrogance
EXP 10825843 / Skill Points 1600 / Gold 490

Ostracon of the God (Intermediate)
NPC: Doctor Renmutet (Alex)
Tarefa: 50 coleção item de nível intermediário de unqiue. ( Cada unique e uma peça)
Mob: Osiris, Sekhmet, Horus, Sphinx, Nephthys
EXP 54129218 / Skill Points 3100 / Gold 49437

Over Another Wall
Tarefa: conversar com o General Rachel (Const) / General Sonhyeon (Jang)
EXP 5412921 / Skill Points 1100 / Gold 2450

Chinês Recebera ( Senior General )
Europeu Recebera ( Baron )

QUESTS Tutorial BEGINNER Pharaoh's Tomb



- para players lvl 100+
- tem que estar em pt de pelo menos 2 pessoas
- Limite de entradas 2x dia (5 pra quem tem premium plus)
- duracao maxima de 2hrs por entrada.
- para acessar a tomb secundaria, vc precisa fazer a quest "The Overdriving Heart".
Niveis de dificuldade:

Jah no teleport vc pode escolher entre: Beginners, Intermediate et Advanced . En funcao da dificuldade escolhida o drop e os monstros sao diferentes.

Eae brother,
Zigfryd na área pra trazer mais um grande tutorial! Para aqueles que não sabem, a Pharaoh's Tomb é a chamada cave que fica no Holy Water Temple. Nela possui 3 níveis de dificuldades possíveis para se entrar em party. São elas a begginer (lvl 100+), intermediate (lvl 104+) e advanced (ainda não sei!!!). Bom, independente do lvl de seu char, só é possível entrar nos níveis intermediate e advanced, fazendo algumas quests. Quests muito interessantes por sinal pelo alto ganho de sp! Mais uma coisa, acaba sendo obrigatória a realização dessas quest para abrir os demais níveis porque, aqueles que desejarem pegarem os próximos títulos e consecutivamente os próximos zerks, só poderão obtê-los nesses níveis. Então, paciência e vamos ganhar exp/sp extra!!! Vale lembrar que todas as quests serão feitas em Alexandria e graças ao novo sistema de mapa do jogo, dentro da cidade, é só por a seta do mouse sobre os pontos verdes no mapa para mostrar o nome do npc. E quando vc estiver com uma quest, clicando na tecla Q do seu teclado para mostrar todas as quests que vc pegou, clique no icone de um mapa mundi para mostrar a localização dos mobs!!!

1 - The Suspicious Sacrifice - Converse com o Egypt Governor Senmute para começar a quest. Pegando a quest vai para os mobs Unegs e colete 50 Decayed of Fleshes. Coletando todos, volte e entregue a quest pro governador.

2 - The Ceremonial Tool - Converse com o Doctor Renenutet para pegar a quest. Mate os mobs Sand Raiders para coletar 50 Strange Decor. Volte e entregue a quest com o Doctor.

3 - His Protesting Son - Converse com o Finance Officer Maneto para pegar a quest e siga para o Egypt Governor Senmute para entregar.

4 - Stopping the Cerimony - Converse novamente com o Finance Officer Maneto e vá matar 50 Unegs e 50 Sand Raids. Concluido, volte para entregar a quest pro Finance.

5 - The Missing High Priest (1) - Pegue essa quest com o Egypt Governor Senmute e de cara entregue para o Doctor Renenutet.

6 - The Missing High Priest (2) - Fale novamente com o Doctor Renenutet, em seguida, com o Finance Officer Maneto.

7 - Berenice' Traces - Fale novamente com o Finance Officer Maneto e vá matar os mobs Tathen que ficam na praia. Colete apenas 1 Tom Garment. Pode demorar um pouco pra cair o item, mas não se preocupe, um dia cai!!!

8 - The Heartbreaking News (1) - Novamente com o Finance Officer Maneto, depois fale com o Doctor Renenutet.

9 - The Heartbreaking News (2) - Agora do Doctor Renenutet para o Finance Officer Maneto de novo. (É um vai-vem danado, mas ta ganhando EXP e SP então tá valendo!!!)

10 - An Ominous Sense - Fale com o Finance Officer Maneto novamente e se dirija para o Egypt Governor Senmute.

11 - Investigating the Strange Rumor - Vá do Egypt Governor Senmute para o Doctor Renenutet.

12 - The Trust of the Strange Rumor (1) - Voltando a ação, pegue essa quest com o Doctor Renenutet e vá a caça. Colete 50 Dark Khepris Samples dos mobs Dark Khepris e 50 Desert Bugs Samples dos mobs Desert Bugs. Coletando todos volte ai Doctor.

13 - The Trust of the Strange Rumor (2) - Converse novamente com o Doctor Renenutet e volte a caçada. Colete 50 Dark Sandman Samples dos mobs Dark Sandman e 50 Blood Sandman Samples dos mobs Blood Sandman. Entregue novamente ao Doctor.

14 - The Trust of the Strange Rumor (3) - E outra vez com o Doctor Renenutet. Colete 50 Ure'uth Samples dos mobs Ure'uth e 50 Mehen Samples dos mobs Mehen. Entregue ao Doctor a quest.

15 - Deranged Mentuhotep - Depois dessa matança, agora vamos andar um pouco. Fale com o Doctor Renenutet novamente e vá ao Egypt Governor Senmute entreguar a quest.

OBS: A partir de agora começa a parte difícil. O melhor é está em PT auto-share pois para entrar na Tomb é necessário está em PT com alguém. Quanto mais amigos vc conseguir para te ajudar, melhor e mais rápido será, mas nada impede de vc relizar essas próximas quests sozinho. Mas antemão aviso, se mais de uma pessoa tiver a mesma quest, depois de matar os mobs o item que irá dropar só ira cair pra um. Chame seu amigos que já fizeram a quest ou ainda não pegaram-a ou faça aqueles bons e velhos acordos de "me ajude que eu te ajudo"!!!!

16 - Proving My Abilities - Fale com o Egypt Governor Senmute para pegar essa quest e se dirija para o Holy Water Temple. Sua missão será matar o Unique Apis. Essa quest é a mais chata porque não tem tempo certo desse unique aparecer, e não mostra na tela quando ele aparece. A única coisa certa é que depois de morto ele pode aparecer depois de 300 minutos como os uniques que aparecem na tela. Depois de matar o Apis, volte para Alexandria para entregar a quest com o Governor.

17 - The Overdriving Heart (1) - Fale com o Egypt Governor Senmute e vá para o Holy Water Temple. Entre no nível begginer e mate o Unique Sphinx. Você deverá pegar o item Sphinx Heart que ele irá dropar no final da batalha. Volte para entregar a quest com o Governor.

18 - The Overdriving Heart (2) - Fale
com o Egypt Governor
Senmute e vá para o Holy Water Temple. Entre no nível begginer e mate o
Unique Sekhmet. Você deverá pegar o item Sekhmet Heart que ele irá dropar
no final da batalha. Volte para entregar a quest com o Governor.

19 - The Overdriving Heart (3) - Fale
com o Egypt Governor
Senmute e vá para o Holy Water Temple. Entre no nível begginer e mate o
Unique Nephthys. Você deverá pegar o item Nephthys Heart que ele irá dropar
no final da batalha. Volte para entregar a quest com o Governor.

20 - The Overdriving Heart (4) - Fale
com o Egypt Governor
Senmute e vá para o Holy Water Temple. Entre no nível begginer e mate o
Unique Horus. Você deverá pegar o item Horus Heart que ele irá dropar
no final da batalha. Volte para entregar a quest com o Governor.

21 - The Overdriving Heart (5) - Fale
com o Egypt Governor
Senmute e vá para o Holy Water Temple. Entre no nível begginer e mate o
Unique Osiris. Você deverá pegar o item Osiris Heart que ele irá dropar
no final da batalha. Volte para entregar a quest com o Governor.

Ufa! Essa foi demorada!!! Mas, por enquanto, fique tranquilo. Descanse o bastante porque o pior está por vi!!! Nos vemos no próximo tutorial. Este será sobre o próximo título e zerk do lvl 105. Relembrando que é necessário abrir o nível intermediate da Tomb para começar as quests desse novo plus do zerk!!! Assim que eu tiver um tempinho posto ele aqui.

Grande abraço para todos!!!!
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